| Medien- und Studiotechnik GmbH | E:
GRAZ: Schmiedlstrasse 1 | A-8042 Graz/Austria | T: +43 316 475 226-0 | F: +43 316 475 226-90
WIEN: Spengergasse 31 | A-1050 Wien/Austria | T: +43 1 585 12 74-0
The NewsSpotter service is based on Eutelsats Ka-band satellite. This satellite differs profoundly from other satellite systems. It provides Internet connectivity. With a guaranteed speed. You make a reservation for the bandwidth you need and you get it.
Now you can do every job for a fraction of the money you had to spend before. and you know that you get the speed instead of hoping you will reach it – like 3G/4G bonding systems promise.
Traditional satellite solutions, like Ku-band need much more ressources and generate not even much better results. With ka-band you do HD. But with 15% of the cost. So for the the price of one Ku-band solution you get six miniCASTER® NewsSpotter systems. Changing from DVB-S modulation to Internet technology the ka-band satellites are much more versatile. Operation is less costly. This is your benefit. Pay from 0,50€ per minute instead of 3-5 Euro/minute. Get a complete live broadcasting solution from miniCASTER® with low latency for under € 20.000.-.
Bei unserem Workshop wird der ganze Ablauf der Satelliten-Verbindung gezeigt. Vom Suchen des Satelliten bis zum Dateitransfer mit bis zu 10 Mbit/s.
Dabei können Sie selber einen Satelliten pointen und sehen gleich selber wie einfach es ist einen Satelliten-Uplink herzustellen.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen.